Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Scenery and Nicola

This is a photo Mark took on the way down to Wanaka in late May. That is Mt Cook peeking (or should that be peaking?) out of the clouds. It was wonderful to see the lakes full this time. There has to be some benefit from the wettest May in several decades.

And this is a photo taken of me at work. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out.

A Petty Family Blog?

In August the "Our Petty Lives" celebrates 20 years of publication. It has been a truly wonderful process and product, keeping a family together in heart, even if they are scattered geographically. We wish to thank Ray and Rosemary, the heads of the family, and editors, publishers etc for their wonderful work over the 20 years, while putting up with perennially tardy contributions.

And now we believe it is time to give them a break and move forward with the technology to a collective Blog, sited here. Each potential contributor needs to sign in and email Nicola to be added as a contributor. People can add photos and news as it arrives, without the hassle of printing, sending, compiling etc.

Mark and I are happy to act as administrators for the site. What do you think?