Tuesday, 9 June 2009

A Petty Family Blog?

In August the "Our Petty Lives" celebrates 20 years of publication. It has been a truly wonderful process and product, keeping a family together in heart, even if they are scattered geographically. We wish to thank Ray and Rosemary, the heads of the family, and editors, publishers etc for their wonderful work over the 20 years, while putting up with perennially tardy contributions.

And now we believe it is time to give them a break and move forward with the technology to a collective Blog, sited here. Each potential contributor needs to sign in and email Nicola to be added as a contributor. People can add photos and news as it arrives, without the hassle of printing, sending, compiling etc.

Mark and I are happy to act as administrators for the site. What do you think?


TC & Cerian said...

I (TC) like the idea. Only modification would be to maybe still keep some kind of schedule rather than have random additions.

Cerian prefers the paper version, in part because we get some exciting mail once a month and because the paper copie compile into a nice archive of "tangible" memories. And it is an easy way of writing our personal history.

Is there some way to convert the blog into (condensed) hard copy from time to time?

Nic said...

Hi TC - thanks for your comment. It probably would be good to try to add every month. It's very easy to print off. We would do so and keep a hard copy - it's more permanent. You can also make digital copies.
YOu could copy and paste to Word first if you wanted to condense, but I don't know if there would be too much.
Oh - I've made another one called www.ourpettylives.blogspot.com in case we decide to go ahead with this. Mark and I will keep this one as it has all our trip stuff on it.

Nathan said...

I thought I did leave a comment but I guess it didn't stick.

I guess the time has come, do we just email our contribution to you?

Nic said...

This is actually the Mark Petty family blog. I have made a secure blog for the extended family, as some people expressed concern that it would not be private.
Each family will need to send me their blogger name and I can give you access to that site.
I'll see if I can do it successfully for TC and Nathan.