Friday, 9 May 2008

Food that I miss from New Zealand

I REALLY miss Vegemite. I never thought I would, but after about 4 weeks I was dying for something savoury to spread on toast. Happily Elsie gave me a little jar of UK Marmite, which, though stickier and a slightly different flavour, has brought relief.
Bread. As far as I can see there is no bread like Vogel or Burgen to be found anywhere - even at boutique bakeries, let alone at the supermarket. It seems that all packaged bread has a very sweet taste, due mainly to the presence of Corn Syrup.
Water. This is not the fault of North America - most places in the world have worse water than Christchurch. I am just really appreciating how wonderful the water is that we get out of a tap.
Apples. Maybe it's because it is Spring here, but I'm pretty sure we get nice apples all year round in NZ. We have not managed to find an apple that we would choose to eat. They have been either too mushy or too sour or both!
Cooking. I can't wait to get back in the kitchen!
Yogurt to my picky taste. It all has sugar and or starch in it, but then there are so many different varieties, it is probably just that I haven't found the right one.

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