Sunday, 27 April 2008

So much to write about

It's a week gone since the last post. Here's a summary in case I never get time to write anything more. Mark has lots of photos, but hasn't managed to post any.The last post finished in DC.

Since then we have had two days in New York - we took the Staten Island ferry in the first day which we should have done the second day as well. Walked over the Brooklyn Bridge, went up the Empire State Building, visited Grand Central Station, mooched around Central Park, visited scenes from "You've Got Mail" including having lunch at Cafe Lalo (where they arrange to meet the first time.) Picture at right is of Verdi Square.
Went to Six Flags Theme Park in New Jersey. Nitro is amazing! Saw a real live cheerleading competition. There is NO healthy food in Six Flags.

Church in Scotch Plains Ward in New Jersey, then drove to West Springfield Ma. Dropped in at the Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe houses in Hartford Connecticut.
Had an excellent visit with George Cobb at Mt Holyoke College. Got some great ideas for teaching, and research, and possible future collaboration. Converted him to Blackboard.
Wonderful views from Mt Holoyoke itself.
Took the old road most of the way to Syracuse. Pleasant visit there with faculty from Le Moyne. A great steak. Discovered Wegmans supermarket. Visited the Erie Canal museum - really good. Found an amazing art deco building. Bought a groundhog puppet, and saw a live groundhog.
Then on to Palmyra. Stayed at the Palmyra Inn - very nice, very handy.
Saw ALL the church sites, and attended the Palmyra Temple. Watched too many J-Lo movies on cable. (Maybe that's why the blog has been neglected!)

1 comment:


just passing through--happy travels